Kickoff: Creation Stewardship Week
Unless otherwise noted, these speeches and open letters were written for the Dean of Students of Biola University between 2011-2016.
CS Lewis said that "Nature gave the word 'glory' a meaning for me… I still do not know where else I could have found one."
When we think of the glory of God, our thoughts go to Nature. We talk about God's artistry, and we point to coral reefs, and butterflies, and geodes. We talk about God's power, and we think of crashing waves, thundering storms… or terrifying earthquakes. We talk about God's promises, and we look at rainbows, or a new dawn.
And while we enjoy nature, and play in nature, and use nature to make our own lives better, for many of us it is only recently that we've begun to really think about nature… to celebrate nature as a gift from God, and to recognize that Biblically we are stewards, not owners… and therefore to wonder: If this is truly God's property, then how should we be treating it?
So this week, we will be focusing on Creation Stewardship. We have special Chapels, we'll have tours of some corners of campus you've never seen before, we'll have films, we'll have a special Panel on how to have a 'green' career, we'll be planting some trees, we'll be cleaning up the Biola creek… and on Thursday we'll have a Farmer's Market, right here on campus.
…And I'm told there are free fish tacos involved in this somehow… hmmm?
I encourage you to find out the details and the schedule, at this website: (slash) creation
We're starting our week off with Dr. Robert Campbell, a Biola grad and pastor of Community Church in Santa Margarita, just north of San Luis Obispo. He is also part of A Rocha [ah-RAH-sha] U.S.A., a Christian conservation organization working in 19 countries on 5 continents around the world. For A Roche, "an unbelieving world is watching to see what, if anything, Christians will do to care for the planet and the people that we claim God created."
Please welcome back to Biola, Dr. Robert Campbell...