What price (if any) are we willing to pay to do it? Do we genuinely want to be thought of as countercultural activists...but only if we don't have to leave our couch?
All in Faith & Spiritual Life
What price (if any) are we willing to pay to do it? Do we genuinely want to be thought of as countercultural activists...but only if we don't have to leave our couch?
…Underneath all these often-very-noisy voices is a still, small voice that says, "You are my Beloved...My favor rests on you." That's the voice we need most of all to hear.
"The paradox of happiness is that if we seek it, we won’t find it…"
Most of us don't get taught how to grieve. Maybe it's not something that can be taught; maybe it's something you have to go through to really get. But hearing someone else's story can go a long way.
Before I try to figure if the other person is right for me, maybe I should ask myself, "Am I engaging in healthy relationships? Am I a healthy person? Do I have a healthy relationship with God?”
In a culture that condones and even encourages the hookup, why is dating for Christians such a taboo subject?
The Shack was one of the best-selling novels of 2008, and has recently been released as a motion picture. Does it tell a story worth hearing?
“…whether they will finally be lost or saved, you are expressly commanded to feed the hungry, and clothe the naked. If you can, and do not, then whatever becomes of them, you shall go away into everlasting fire.”
“It does not really matter how intellectually or doctrinally sophisticated our approach is. If it fails to set a lovable God—a radiant, happy, friendly, accessible, and totally competent being—before ordinary people, we have gone wrong…”